Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Feeling Insomniac? Try The 4 7 8 Technique

If sleeping aids like eye masks and sleeping pills are not proving to be any useful for your insomnia, here is a small technique that might work.

Sit with a straight back, place the tip of your tongue just behind your upper front teeth, and breathe as directed in the steps below:

1. Exhale completely through your mouth while making a whoosh sound.

2. Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose, and count till four in mind.

3. Now, hold your breath as you count to seven.

4. Exhale through your mouth, again making a whoosh sound at the count of eight.

5. This is one breath. Repeat this cycle 4 times for effective results.

Remember to exhale through your mouth and inhale through your nose; not the other way round.

And if you are still not clear of the steps, watch out this video where Andrew Weil, famous doctor and integrative medical professional, is demonstrating the technique.

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